Image of Marco Tignanelli
Marco Tignanelli

Full Stack Developer

TL;DR; I got into programming with a web development course at Udemy, I professionalized it with the full-stack bootcamp at SoyHenry, and now I learn the development side by myself while I study engineering and business at college.
I'm proficient at seeking information, problem solving and communication. I like to learn stuff, teach stuff, the color blue and playing middle blocker in volleyball.

  • Working on something...

  • Email Template Editor
    Someone had many email templates, all with different purposes. They replaced the content of some brackets with the corresponding text. This MVP uses local data persistence so that anyone can save their own templates, load content into them, and copy the result to the clipboard after a preview.Email Template Editor

  • Hueney Ruca
    Development of an ecommerce web application in a team, as a final project in SoyHenry, using Next.js for the UI along with the back-end logic and Supabase for managing the PostgreSQL database. Ended up in an production-ready application, following good practices for handling sensitive data and presenting an enjoyable and fluid website.Hueney Ruca

  • Dogs API
    Developed a website by my own to demonstrate what was learned during the front, back and database modules of SoyHenry, as an integrating project, using React for the UI, Express in the back-end and Sequelize for database management.Dogs API

  • Rick and Morty API
    I carried out a project using the Rick and Morty API, to implement what I learned in the front and back modules of SoyHenry on the fly. I used React for the UI and Express in the back-end.Rick and Morty API
  • National Technological University
    Intrigued by technology and programming, I decided to start the Systems Engineering career at the National Technological University, to continue learning about it from a more formal and structured perspective.

  • Vates Software, an EPAM Company
    I participated in the full stack development team, as a junior and as a leader, using React.js with Next.js along with Python with FastAPI. We implemented Scrum practices, focusing on the fast delivery of customized and quality products according to the client's needs.

  • PPOL Internship
    Managed to develop the implementation of various APIs, such as Github, Google Maps and Spotify, using React, to deliver a styled product to embed in the final application.

  • SoyHenry Bootcamp
    Made an intensive full-stack web development bootcamp at SoyHenry, covering front-end, back-end, and database management. The career included technologies such as JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL.

  • Udemy Web Development Course
    I started my journey in the world of programming by taking a full-stack web development course on Udemy, with Colt Steele as the teacher (a great guy), where I learned the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. That's how I got the hang of programming.

Get in Touch

I am very approachable and would love to speak to you. Feel free to send me an email, follow me in social media or simply complete this form.

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